Article: Workplace harmony: Elevating employee engagement

Talent Management

Workplace harmony: Elevating employee engagement

A personalised strategy for employee engagement is vital for both attracting and retaining talent. Furthermore, there is a noticeable trend towards embracing a holistic well-being culture, underscoring the importance of both micro and macro environments in cultivating overall employee satisfaction.
Workplace harmony: Elevating employee engagement

American memoirist and poet Maya Angelou famously said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel”. Elevating employee experience and engagement is exactly about that – creating people-first organisations where employees look forward to coming to work every day. Today, as the line between professional and personal life continues to blur, organisations are adopting segmented approaches to manage their workforce. The type of engagement will naturally be different for different individuals. As segmentation and personalisation are crucial in designing engagement models, organisations need to assess the life stage of every employee – whether they are just beginning their career, are in their mid-life, or are nearing retirement. This is important because each of these stages implies different personal and professional priorities. 

Work: It is true when they say that if you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life. Bringing work at the heart of employee engagement will be key for organisations, especially in light of the changing landscape of work. Employees today look for workplaces that provide flexible modes of working. Furthermore, the work itself should hold meaning for them and help them make a positive difference in their personal, professional, and social lives. Giving them platforms to innovate, channel their intrapreneurial spirit, work with leaders, and nurture pride through purpose are some of the ways of creating a vibrant, inspiring work environment. 

Learning: The educational landscape is experiencing a significant transformation characterised by increased flexibility in skills development and the availability of on-the-go learning platforms. In this evolving scenario, the emphasis is not only on what one learns but equally on how one learns. Learnability emerges as a pivotal skill, projecting its significance for the future workforce.

Furthermore, organisations are encouraged to facilitate experiential learning through adaptive platforms that promote on-the-job learning experiences. The ability to unlearn and relearn is recognised as a rare yet essential skill in the contemporary work environment. To enhance core capabilities and reskill the workforce in the digital era, employers are advised to explore collaborations with third-party experts. Incentivising skill development is identified as a key enabler, fostering a culture of continuous learning throughout an individual's professional journey. This strategic approach aims to cultivate a workforce equipped to thrive in an ever-evolving professional landscape.

Social Impact: Studies indicate that millennials and younger generations generally prefer to work with companies that have a strong sense of social responsibility, where they can get opportunities to contribute and make a difference in society. Organisations need to build a credible brand image on this front. Many organisations today provide volunteering opportunities for their employees to give back to society. Many others offer “social hours” for engaging in social impact activities. Some even allow their employees to go on a sabbatical for social causes. It is vital that new-age organizations, who are seeking to hire and retain talent, should offer purposeful careers and meaningful social impact opportunities. 

Wellbeing: There is a discernible shift away from a one-dimensional approach to fitness, favouring a more comprehensive lifestyle that emphasises physical, mental, and social well-being. Many organisations, including Infosys with its longstanding well-being program, HALE, focus on the four cornerstones of physical, emotional, social wellness, and safety. It is suggested that all organisations adopt a three-tiered model to foster a culture of wellbeing.

In terms of self-help, it is crucial to develop and provide tools that support individuals in achieving holistic well-being. Additionally, the micro-environment within workplaces plays a significant role, as observations indicate that employees are motivated by the camaraderie within their teams and having close connections at work. Organisations should create environments that facilitate collaboration among managers and teams.

On a broader scale, the macro-environment should concentrate on implementing programmes aimed at reinforcing the narrative around employee wellbeing. This involves driving initiatives that address the larger organisational context and contribute to a supportive and healthy work environment.

The new era of work will require organisations to explore new-age engagement models to drive outcomes, with employee voice and technology at the centre. Organisations with people-first cultures will identify what matters most to their employees and go after it.

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Topics: Talent Management, Employee Engagement, #Wellbeing

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