1st Annual Study on State of the CHRO India
Role of the CHRO has moved from just compliance and control to include strategic partnering in business

While core expectations from CEOs remain the same, CEOs today expect their HR leaders to also own the volatile global and local environment that forms the business playground for organizations
7 out of 10 CHROs surveyed in this year’s Study agree that business exposure is critical to be a successful HR leader. But only 4 out of 10 have ever served a non-HR role (with only 10% of those having led a sales role). Willingness to build business acumen is there as 80 per cent of CHROs surveyed plan to take a non-HR role soon. The question is: Will the CEO wait?
What do CEOs want?
Survey-after-survey, fingers have all pointed towards human capital as the most worrying factor that keeps CEOs awake at night. The most distinctive differentiator for competitive edge in today’s business context is talent. HR being the owner of human capital makes the role crucial in organizational growth and business progression.
While core expectations from CHROs remain the same, CEOs today expect their HR leaders to also get actively involved in solving business problems. Julie Gebauer, Managing Director, Towers Watson clarifies, “Role of the CHRO is to help organizations and people...