Article: Uncover the benefits of innovative and out of the box masterclasses at People Matters TechHR India

Employee Relations

Uncover the benefits of innovative and out of the box masterclasses at People Matters TechHR India

This year, at Asia’s largest HR and Worktech conference, you will find innovative yet fun masterclasses that you must attend with your teams and unravel the magic.
Uncover the benefits of innovative and out of the box masterclasses at People Matters TechHR India

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! It’s a proverb tailor-made for the corporate world. As we all know, working all day without de-stressing can push any individual into a vortex of burnout, exhaustion and fatigue. As Asia’s largest HR and Worktech conference, People Matters TechHR India is back to explore, find and solve the most pertinent challenges in the world of work, out-of-the-box themed activities and masterclasses can’t be left far behind. ‘Coz there’s nothing that widens your perspective and helps you embrace challenges, like fun-filled childhood plays. 

This year, we are back with a few of our old masterclasses that were a hit in the past, while adding some new ones as well. Back on popular demand is everyone’s favourite masterclass, Lego Serious Play, a new approach to building rapport with your team members. With lego bricks, you begin the process of creative thinking and problem solving - a unique technique for yourself, your team and your business. It’s a play with purpose that helps you experience and understand the power of ‘hand knowledge’ that’s grounded in the scientific disciplines of neuroscience, flow and imagination. 

lego serious play workshop, learning from lego, team building

Here’s how it helps: 

  1. Unleashes your imagination as you build models and narrate stories
  2. Simplifies complex issues and opens new channels of communication
  3. Treats everyone as equal and allows everyone’s opinions to be heard
  4. Gives every individual a chance to comprehend their job and their role better
  5. Explores different hypothetical scenarios to gain awareness of the possibilities

As a child, do you remember using a brown paper bag over your head to scare your siblings? Well, the next interactive masterclass, which will be introduced for the first time at People Matters TechHR India is the Box Breakthrough Challenge, founded in 2008 by Jimbo Clark. By putting his head into a cardboard box for a client who knew they might lose billions, Jimbo found inspiration for the tool, which today encourages participants to think in, out and beyond the limitations of their conventional patterns. 

Here’s how it helps:

  1. Deepens your understanding of unconscious thinking
  2. Allows you to discover out-of-the-box solutions to your most puzzling situations
  3. Develops the ability to reach your future outcomes 
  4. Improves connections to your team
  5. Unearth assumptions that help you and break free of those that don’t

We all fail to realise or untangle the reality as it is and rather build ideas on how we feel. With Systemic Constellations, you can discover an unconventional and powerful technique for examining multi-stakeholder challenges in teams and organisations. Developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, the Constellations methodology helps you perceive reality beyond your habits and mental frameworks. While it was originally designed for therapy, the approach has expanded to encompass organisations, nature and the broader societal issues. So, get ready to identify hidden patterns to transform them effectively. 

Here’s how it helps: 

  1. Equips you to navigate challenging dynamics with greater ease, efficiency, and alignment
  2. Improves the ability to act with wider awareness rather than reacting out of habitual patterns
  3. Supports conflict resolution and healing processes
  4. Promotes greater clarity on what is yours to do as opposed to what is not yours
  5. Untangles the hidden architecture within the relationship system, allowing for a change

To find what’s truly hidden under the many layers of information brought about by the systems in an organisation, join us with your team for these fun yet insightful masterclasses at People Matters TechHR India at Leela Ambience, Gurugram on August 3 and 4. Register now before the slots fill!


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Topics: Employee Relations, Life @ Work, Employee Engagement, #TechHRIN

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