Article: Why entrepreneurs are venturing into HR technology space?


Why entrepreneurs are venturing into HR technology space?

The HR Technology market is a space that has grown unprecedentedly and yet it is not done reinventing itself
Why entrepreneurs are venturing into HR technology space?
There was a time when investors were watching the FinTech markets like hawks. It is still a big pie in India and globally. But there has also been another shift in another space to prepare for, and it has been in the making for a few years now. The HR Technology market is not done reinventing itself yet. It’s a space that has seen an unprecedented growth. The tide is bringing disruptive changes with 2015-16 seeing up to $4.36 billion in start-up funding globally, and $65 million in India. If recent forecasts are to be believed, we’re looking at a market size of 14 plus billion globally in the coming year. Is that a big enough pie? Are there too many players? Is it getting saturated? These are important, relevant questions. Let’s see if we can shed some light on them by using what we know, and what the market and its trends are telling us.  How disruption began We start at the beginning. There was a fundamentally wrong notion that people took time to adopt techn...
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Topics: Technology, HR Technology, #HRTechMarket

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