Article: 9 Durga personalities you will find at work


9 Durga personalities you will find at work

As we celebrate the 9 divine days of Durga Puja, here is a look at 9 different personalities you will find at the workplace who manifest qualities of each of the avatars of Goddess Durga.
9 Durga personalities you will find at work

The shield

On the first day of Durga Puja, Shailaputri avatar of Goddess Durga is celebrated. This avatar signifies the power of the mountain. In your workplace, you have very few people who represent such qualities. This kind of person is full of energy and power yet grounded which highlights the qualities of the mountain. There are very high chances you may find these qualities in your boss or your peers. If your bosses have such attributes, he/she will save you from everything that can go wrong around you. If your colleague possesses such qualities, then you are surrounded by good neighbors, and he/she will work as a shield in the office premises. 

The paragon of grace

On Day 2 of Durga Puja, the Brahmacharini avatar is worshipped. At work, these are the kind of people you will always see enlightened with grace. They are soft-spoken, yet not submissive. They always prove their point with humility, and are an example of how office arguments can be handled gracefully without getting somber. You always wonder how they manage disagreements so peacefully. They respect and listen to your suggestions or thoughts and always try to engage in a conversation instead of a competition. One thing that sets them apart from their counterparts is their ability to view interactions objectively. For example, if someone criticizes their project or their work, they consider it constructively. Too often, many of us make the mistake of taking constructive feedback as a personal attack.

The brave and the courageous 

Solution-oriented, brave, courageous and the one that stands for people and protects them from the demons, that is what defines the third form of Durga, Chandraghanta, who is worshipped on Day 3. At the workplace, you often come across that person who is always ready to take it upon herself/himself to fix the problem. The problem-solver and fighter, this person possesses the qualities of the third form of Durga and often stands for you even if it means going against the boss sometimes. This colleague does not only give you a shoulder to cry on, but also gives you the necessary pep talk to help you get back on your feet. She/he is the light in the dark, the source of happiness on your dull day and the one best solution to your Monday morning blues. 

The creative flame

On the fourth day of the Navratri festival, the Kushmanda avatar of Durga worshipped is the one which brought light to the universe. The universe was non-existent and darkness prevailed everywhere, until this avatar of the goddess brought life to the universe. When it comes to the workplace, this avatar is best reflected in that one person who always comes up with a bright idea when a team hits an impasse. This person is most likely the most creative person in the team who can dispel the darkness of roadblocks and disappointment with the spark of innovative ideas. This person is the creative flame which needs to be fanned forever!

The beacon of strength and empathy

Skandamata, the avatar of Goddess Durga, who is worshipped on Day 5, personifies strength. Not just physical or mental strength but emotional strength as well. Today, when EQ and emotional intelligence is quickly gaining precedence over IQ, empathy, love and understanding as embodied by Ma Durga is a requisite at work. Being social beings, we do not work in silos and are able to unlock our collective potential only when there is empathy at work. It has the power to inspire many and to help provide motivation through difficult times at work as well.

The silent force 

Their looks might fool you! But consider yourself warned. When someone or a particular process at work is unfair in their eyes, trust these silent ninjas to draw out their weapons and run to the rescue of their co-workers. The traditionally fierce qualities of Shakti or Durga can be seen in Katyayani, who is worshipped on Day 6 of Durga Puja. Though these people are calm at other times. A decisive personality, this person can slay her/his competition and fight the wrong. A multitasker by nature, they might be the silent personality working away at their desk who will stand up for themselves and reveal their fighting spirit when the need arises.

The risk taker

On Day 7 of Durga Puja, the Kalaratri avatar is worshipped. At work, we meet similar kind of people who are adventurous and ready to take on new things. They are performers and don’t mind taking on projects which are way too risky for their profiles. Failing at times does not let them down; in fact, they derive lessons from failures to employ them in their next assignments. They are equally confident with they what they do and how they do. This makes people around wonder where do they get all the excitement and courage from. They are equally cooperative and always prepared to lend helping hands to colleagues in need. 

The ray of hope

Everyone at work knows colleagues who are calm, composed and intervene at the right time, often becoming the one person you could lean on. And this confidant is the person we turn to when situations turn hostile, unpredictable and animus. They not only help turn these situations around but are ideal colleagues you would want to have at the workplace to seek their ideas and support through your work life. Day eight is dedicated to Goddess Mahagauri who symbolizes a bright ray of hope and is admired for her knowledge. She is the source of truth.

The healing touch

Goddess Siddhidatri who is worshipped on Day 9 of Durga Puja is known for her supernatural healing powers. She blesses all and is the possessor of 26 different wishes (Siddhis) which she grants her worshipers. At work, the person who embodies this avatar of the Goddess is the one who will always have a calm soothing effect on you; she/he will show you different perspectives and also help you with the most reliable solutions. Their outlook towards life and work is very spiritual. Their aura at the workplace and their soothing words provide a healing touch to all co-workers. 

So, if any of these characteristics of the different avatars of Goddess Durga remind you of a colleague or a boss and how they have made your work life better, do share this article with them and comment below!  


Also read: Why you need a Rama or a Ravana at work

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